So, here’s one of these uploads that I do that do very little to embiggen my subscriber-base. Instead, it is a sequence of clips I shot recently between 2.5-120 fps. Converted to BW and graded, and cropped to fit my windowboxing method that I am experimenting with.
Shot by me and auditory noise produced by me with a Deepmind 12
If, despite all logic, ye are curious what this “MalmScope” thing is all about. you can read a needlessly rambling post on this, my (in)frequently webpage:
In a vain attempt to force myself to get myself to do uploads more often I vowed to myself at new years eve that I will upload something each week. Something. Anything.
Well, I damn near failed at the first week. I had not filmed anything. So now, I was at the point that the vow meant. I need to do something. Anything.
So, here’s a series of shots filmed in pure desperation. And some sounds that I made to accompany it. Some may call the sounds music. I am not sure I would go that far.
I consider this the lowest effort. I hope I will make more interesting stuff for the coming weeks.
Just in case someone interested missed it. During most of December I uploaded a series of youtube-videos that charitably could be called an “Advent Calendar”. Each day there was Herr Nicht Werner and each day he presented another scream. Some other shenanigans did ensue. But that was the main thing.
I welcome you now to watch this whole series. Each episode is just a few minutes. So you can probably get through the whole thing in a single sitting.
If this is not actually to your particular fancy… I… I do not know why you are here. 🙂
Oh, and if you wonder why it’s 24 and not 25. Well, here in Sweden, we celebrate eves, not days.
No, It didn’t really sit right with me. The latest video being called “kaleidoscopic”. I mean. I liked the visuals. But it was not exactly “kaleido” just “scopic”. I think.
So, please here do enjoy an attempt where I go full on with the kaleidoscopic visuals.
Nearly everything on the audio side is produced with a few first takes with my Behringer DeepMind12 at various presets. recorded and layered with Audacity. There is some kind of electrical interference noise present that I need to troubleshoot. But overall I am very pleased with the result, even if the sound is a bit noisy and muddily mixed at times.
The visuals are all made in Davinci Resolve’s Fusion Tab. A single noise node being filtered and mirrored multiple times and colorized at the end by a second noise node.
Last night I had an urge to do something kaleidoscopic. No real plan beyond that. So this is a fast noise with a duplicate node giving 100 duplicates. Constantly rotating. Interacting with each other. And the usual film treatment on top.
The sound is a drone sound where I turned on my Deepmind 12 and found that the preset it was on at the moment behaved very cool when you just held the note. So I held two low notes, and I pressed the hold key to keep them down virtually. And I just recorded the output to Audacity while manipulating the various faders and volume knob on the synthesizer during the 10+ minute runtime. Just a compressor in post to even out the sound volume as it drifts in and out. I was planning on adding more layers of sounds. But this raw evolving drone was just too neat sounding to risk drowning out.