Category Archives: Videos


No, It didn’t really sit right with me. The latest video being called “kaleidoscopic”. I mean. I liked the visuals. But it was not exactly “kaleido” just “scopic”. I think.

So, please here do enjoy an attempt where I go full on with the kaleidoscopic visuals.

Nearly everything on the audio side is produced with a few first takes with my Behringer DeepMind12 at various presets. recorded and layered with Audacity. There is some kind of electrical interference noise present that I need to troubleshoot. But overall I am very pleased with the result, even if the sound is a bit noisy and muddily mixed at times.

The visuals are all made in Davinci Resolve’s Fusion Tab. A single noise node being filtered and mirrored multiple times and colorized at the end by a second noise node.

Now please enjoy…

Well, I say enjoy… (looking awkwardly off-camera)

Something Kaleidoscopic This Way Cometh

Last night I had an urge to do something kaleidoscopic. No real plan beyond that. So this is a fast noise with a duplicate node giving 100 duplicates. Constantly rotating. Interacting with each other. And the usual film treatment on top.

The sound is a drone sound where I turned on my Deepmind 12 and found that the preset it was on at the moment behaved very cool when you just held the note. So I held two low notes, and I pressed the hold key to keep them down virtually. And I just recorded the output to Audacity while manipulating the various faders and volume knob on the synthesizer during the 10+ minute runtime. Just a compressor in post to even out the sound volume as it drifts in and out. I was planning on adding more layers of sounds. But this raw evolving drone was just too neat sounding to risk drowning out.



Animating in Krita – Dog Sitting up – 210306 Speedup

Continue reading Animating in Krita – Dog Sitting up – 210306 Speedup

20sec 210227

Continue reading 20sec 210227

jmalmsten Scope Ident

Well. It is a new year, so I guess I need a new ident for youtube videos!

Continue reading jmalmsten Scope Ident

A still and an animation Double-Feature

This don’t happen often. Continue reading A still and an animation Double-Feature

Testing out Krita – And my animation template!

Continue reading Testing out Krita – And my animation template!

181113 – Twitch-speedup

yet another one. This one goes more into the body-horror territories…

181109 – Twitch

As per usual it’s sped up for your viewing pleasure. Continue reading 181109 – Twitch

181106 – TwitchSpeedup

As usual, it’s sped up for your viewing pleasure.



181029 – Another LiveStream

181025 – Twitch Livestream

181024 – Twitch Livestream

181023 Twitch-stream – Corgie With A JetPack

Started out kind of aimlessly… Continue reading 181023 Twitch-stream – Corgie With A JetPack

181004 – Livestream Test – Poop

I have just spent the last few hours animating a gif where a man poops his pants… Continue reading 181004 – Livestream Test – Poop

streamingtest 2 – Live

Trying out Streaming