All Articles by Johan Malmsten

343 Articles

ART: sgt Angel

No, he’s not in Potterthon,  not as a character. Continue reading ART: sgt Angel

ART: The Doof Warrior

Probably the epitome of the insane aspects in Fury Road Continue reading ART: The Doof Warrior

ART: GKX In the Arena


ART: May 4 – 2015


ART: GKX Title mock-up

I was surfing around today, looking at old 60’s and 70’s exploitation-films on bluray. and I got this urge to re-visit an old idea for a film I’ve wanted to do for a while now. And also to try to make a picture in the cinemascope frame as opposed to the 1:1 aspect ratio that I have fallen into the habit of using lately when I’m not drawing digital cells for animation. I mean. I just love the shape of it. 2.4:1. I wish I had a camera and lens-system that could shoot classic Cinemascope anamorphic on full 4 perf 35mm sensor size with awesome picture quality. Alas, for now, one can only dream… 🙂


ART: Walking Woman





Another rough sketch. Continue reading ART: Walking Woman

ART: Crazzy

Needed  a break from animating Continue reading ART: Crazzy

ART: Dapple-grey Grobbellilusk?

Is there even such a thing? Continue reading ART: Dapple-grey Grobbellilusk?

ART: The Alienator

So I’m watching the Academy Awards, Continue reading ART: The Alienator

Video: DrinkkMakking 1&2

How do I waste a 300 dollar camera? Continue reading Video: DrinkkMakking 1&2

P6 Progress: Changing calculations

Continue reading P6 Progress: Changing calculations

ART: Armor Lady 2

Ok, I’m sort of getting the hang of photoshop painting… though, the faces aren’t great and the lighting is haphazardly all over the place. But yeah. Let’s put these aside and just get back to work on that potterthon thingy.



ART: Armor Lady





So, here I was, about 11:30 PM when I thought I might turn in early this might… Well, F that, my brain then said! Continue reading ART: Armor Lady

P6 Progress: S077, a record-breaker?

So progress seem to be going slowly if one’s only looking at the shot-counter above. but I think it could also be because this shot I’m working on right now is one of the more complex shots I’ve ever done for a flash-animation. Yes… each and every one of those dotted frames is a hand-drawn frame. 192 finished frames in 11 layers for a 42 frame duration… barely, not even, two seconds in the final thing.

Just wanted to share that things are going along just fine. No worries.

Be seeing you!

ART: Aaww, Bruces!!!


ART: hit ‘n run GIF



As wise man once said:

When lightning strikes once.

The Ninja Strikes Twice


ART: No Roads

In a year we’re finally there.
Where I will not tell.
But one thing I can foretell:
Over there, absence of roads will be swell.


P6 PROGRESS 141019

