All Articles by Johan Malmsten

343 Articles



Animating in Krita – Dog Sitting up – 210306 Speedup

Continue reading Animating in Krita – Dog Sitting up – 210306 Speedup

20sec 210227

Continue reading 20sec 210227

jmalmsten Scope Ident

Well. It is a new year, so I guess I need a new ident for youtube videos!

Continue reading jmalmsten Scope Ident

Colourful Tattoo

Japanese tattoos have always fascinated me Continue reading Colourful Tattoo

A still and an animation Double-Feature

This don’t happen often. Continue reading A still and an animation Double-Feature

Playing around a bit with clean BW and halftone

Just wanted to try out halftones and pure black and white. Continue reading Playing around a bit with clean BW and halftone

What, whait?! No updates for like… a year?!

Yes, I am alive. Continue reading What, whait?! No updates for like… a year?!

SMA 181115 – min75 sec 38

This time I revisited the ol’ min 75… but this time I got past it at least. 🙂

The finished shot:


The sped up creation:


See work in progress playlists here:

For more information about what this is all about check out this page:

Anyways… as the immortal Number 6 used to say:

Be seeing you!

SMA 181115 – min52 sec 06

So now the first segment is done.

As I said in the overview post. I have no idea where this project will end up story-wise… I will mainly animate it according to what seems interesting each time.

I am heavily considering moving over to Krita instead for animation though… mainly because it is mainly pixel based and has a decent timeline for animation (especially compared with Photoshop).

This is the result of two days of streaming:

See the creation of it here:

See work in progress playlists here:

For more information about what this is all about check out this page:

Anyways… as the immortal Number 6 used to say:

Be seeing you!

Testing out Krita – And my animation template!

Continue reading Testing out Krita – And my animation template!

Yes! Yet another reboot of the SMA-project! (rules and such)


Yes! You read that correctly.

In an effort of continuing the streak I’ve been having with streaming. (well. I’ve done them at least. I have yet to gain followers.) In that attempt I will now revive the old idea of making a feature length movie using random chance as my sole guide.

The deck of 85 cards I started out with is still present and it’s been complemented with another one with 60 cards.

So, The rules I’m setting out for myself (subject of change if need be):

  1. The work will be live-streamed to anyone who cares to look in. (viewable on )
  2. Choosing of the timecode to work on will be done with two decks of cards each streaming session:
    – Deck of 85 cards will select the minute
    – Deck of 60 cards will select the second
    Once drawn the minute card (from the deck of 85) will not be returned to the deck until the project is done!
    Before drawing the seconds card, the timeline will be checked to see that there are no animation already done inside the minute. If it is, then the corresponding cards for those seconds will be set aside until next full draw.
    – It is then up to me as a creator to come up with what will happen during this particular point in the narrative and draw frames accordingly. This can be more than a minute worth’s of content but beware of point 3 below.
    – The method of animation is all up to the animator at the moment. Again. Beware point 3.
  3. A new timecode to work on will only be drawn from the piles when the last timecode is fully finished. Once finished it will not be adjusted in any way until project is finished in full. This includes all visuals. Soundwork may be done according to point 4
  4. The soundwork for each timecode can extend to outside the animation. But once finished, it too should not be touched.
  5. The project will be created in 2K DCI Cinemascope resolution (2048×854) 24 fps and 5.1 surround sound. The finished timecodes will be uploaded to youtube in full HD Cinemascope (1920×800) 2.0 dolby stereo downmix.
  7. The Finished 4K form will be in two versions. Timeline Corrected where the narrative flows as on the timeline of the NLE. And a second one will be created that keeps the randomised shot-order mainly for fun of the viewer.
  8. Two playlist will be maintained on youtube ( ), the timeline-accurate order and the randomised chronological uploaded order. Gaps in the timeline will have placeholder footage.
  9. Once project is over. A remix of the audio with voice-acting and music will probably ensue before the final directors cut will be released alongside the other two versions.
  10. I’ll probably add something or subtract… we’ll see how things goes. This is a project mainly for fun anyways… (nervous laughter).

181113 – Twitch-speedup

yet another one. This one goes more into the body-horror territories…

181109 – Twitch

As per usual it’s sped up for your viewing pleasure. Continue reading 181109 – Twitch

181106 – TwitchSpeedup

As usual, it’s sped up for your viewing pleasure.



181101 – Just a Smile! :D

Just a smiling gif for use on Twitch streams when happy stuff happens. Continue reading 181101 – Just a Smile! 😀

181029 – Another LiveStream

181025 – Twitch Livestream